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张丹性别 民族 籍贯 四川叙永,出生于19803月,博士学位,副教授职称。

E-mail: yidan33@163.com



20059月—20076月, 西南交通大学环境学院,环境工程专业,工学硕士。






1、 国家自然科学地区基金:《碳输入对高原湖周农田碳减排与地下水硝态氮去除的协同调控机制》,2024-2027 (主持)项目批准号:4226070025

2、 国家自然科学地区基金:《洱海湖周农田浅层地下水位升降对土-水界面磷素迁移转化的影响机理》2021-2024 (主持)项目批准号:42067052

3、 国家自然科学青年基金:《湖滨带典型植物群落生态化学计量学对洱海水位-水质的响应》,2018-2020 (主持)项目批准号:41701105

4、 伟德国际victor1946青年基金:《洱海水质-水位互作用下湖滨带典型植物群落碳、氮、磷生态化学计量学特征》,2017-2019(主持)

5、 云南省教育厅基金:《洱海水质-水位变化对湖滨带优势植物种C、N、P生态化学计量学特征的影响》,2017-2019(主持)

6、 农业部面源污染控制重点实验室开放基金:《洱海近岸菜地土壤氮累积与浅层地下水位波动的互作效应》,2017-2018(主持)

7、 国家自然基金地区基金合作项目:《合作项目—洱海近岸农田土壤氮形态转化对浅层地下水升降的响应》,2017-2020(主持)

8、 国家自然基金面上基金合作项目:《合作项目—洱海近岸农田浅层地下水- 湖水侧向交互带氮素动态变化及其环境归趋研究》,2020-2023(主持)


1、 Dan Zhang,Panlei Wang, Rongyang Cui, Heng Yang, Guifang Li, Anqiang Chen, HongyuanWang, Electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen as predictors of nitrate concentrations in shallowgroundwater in Erhai Lake region,Science of the Total Environment,2022,802:149879 

2、 Dan Zhang, Rongyang Cui, Bin Fu, Yanxian Yang, Panlei Wang, Yanting Mao, Anqiang Chen*, Shallow groundwater table fluctuations affect bacterial communities andnitrogen functional genes along the soil profile in a vegetable field, Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 146: 103368

3、 Dan Zhang, Maopan Fan, Hongbin Liu, Rong Wang, Jixia Zhao, Yanxian Yang, RongyangCui, Anqiang Chen*, Effects of shallow groundwater table fluctuations on nitrogen inthegroundwater and soil profile in the nearshore vegetable fields of Erhai Lake, southwest China, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20:42–51 

4、 DanZhang, AnqiangChen, xiaZhao, ChuanhaoLu, GangcaiLiu*, Quantitative model predictionof the combined effect of moisturecontent and temperature on purple mudstone decayinsouth-western China, Geomorphology, 2017, 295:656-661. 

5、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Xuemei Wang,Bangguo Yan, Liangtao Shi, Gangcai Liu*, Aquantitative determination of the effect of moisture on purple mudstone decayinSouthwestern China, Catena, 2016, 139: 28–31. 

6、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Xuemei Wang, Gangcai Liu*, Quantitative determinationof theeffect of temperature on mudstone decay during wet–dry cycles: A case study of ‘purplemudstone’ from south-western China, Geomorphology, 2015, 246: 1-6. 

7、 DanZhang,AnqiangChen,ixiaZhao,ChuanhaoLu,GangcaiLiu*,Quantitative model predictionof the combined effect of moisturecontent and temperature on purple mudstone decayinsouth-western China,Geomorphology, 2017, 295:656-661. 

8、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Xuemei Wang , Bangguo Yan, Liangtao Shi, Gangcai Liu*, Aquantitative determination of the effect of moisture on purple mudstone decayinSouthwestern China, Catena, 2016, 139: 28–31. 

9、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Xuemei Wang, Gangcai Liu*, Quantitative determinationof theeffect of temperature on mudstone decay during wet–dry cycles: A case study of ‘purplemudstone’ from south-western China, Geomorphology, 2015, 246: 1-6. 

10、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Donghong Xiong, Gangcai Liu*, Effect of moistureandtemperature conditions on the decay rate of a purple mudstone in southwesternChina, Geomorphology, 2013, 182(1): 125-132. 

11、 Dan Zhang, Zhonghao Zhou, Bin Zhang, Shuhan Du, Gangcai Liu. Catena, 2012,88(1): 1-8

12、 Zhang Dan, Chen Anqiang, Liu Gangcai. Laboratory Investigation of DisintegrationCharacteristics of Purple Mudstone under Different Hydrothermal Conditions [J]. The Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) , 2012,9(1):127-136 

13、 Dan Zhang, Anqiang Chen, Gangcai Liu. Laboratory Investigation on the DisintegrationCharacteristics of Purple Parent Rocks [C]. 2011 International Conference on GreenEnergyAnd Environmental Sustainable Development, 2011,11(2): 849-852 

14、 Rongyang Cui, Bin Fu, Kunming Mao, Anqiang Chen, Dan Zhang*, Identificationof thesources and fate of NO -3-N in shallow groundwater around a plateau lake in southwest Chinausing NO -3 isotopes (δ 15N and δ 18O) and a Bayesian model, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022,270: 110897 

15、 Heng Yang,Panlei Wang, Anqiang Chen, Yuanhang Ye,Qingfei Chen,Rongyang Cui,DanZhang , Prediction of phosphorus concentrations in shallow groundwater in intensiveagricultural regions based on machine learning, Chemosphere, 2023,313:37623 

16、 Anqiang Chen, Baokun Lei, Wanli Hu, Hongyuan Wang, Limei Zhai,Yanting Mao,BinFu, Dan Zhang*, Temporal-spatial variations and influencing factors of nitrogen in the shallowgroundwater of the nearshore vegetable field of Erhai Lake, China,Environmental ScienceandPollution Research, 2018, 25:4858–4870 

17、 Rongyang Cui, Dan Zhang,Gangcai Liu, Panlei Wang,Anqiang Chen,Hongyuan Wang,Shift of lakeshore cropland to buffer zones greatly reduced nitrogen loss from the soil profifile causedby the interaction of lake water and shallow groundwater,Science of the Total Environment,2022,803: 150093 

18、 Anqiang Chen 1 , Dan Zhang 1 , Hongyuan Wang, Rongyang Cui, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Shufang Guo, Panlei Wang, Hongbin Liu,Shallow groundwater fluctuation: An ignoredsoil Nloss pathway from cropland, Science of the Total Environment,2022, 828:154554 

19、 Rongyang Cui1 , Dan Zhang 1 , Hongyuan Wang, Bin Fu, Hui Yan, Wanli Hu,Gangcai Liu, Anqiang Chen, Shifts in the sources and fates of nitrate in shallow groundwater causedbyagricultural intensification intensity: Revealed by hydrochemistry, stable isotopic compositionand source contribution,Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment,2023, 345 : 108337 

20、 Rongyang Cui1 , Dan Zhang 1 , Wanli Hu, Xinmei Zhao, Hui Yan, Gangcai Liu, AnqiangChen,Nitrogen in soil, manure and sewage has become a major challenge in controlling nitratepollution in groundwater around plateau lakes, Southwest China,Journal of Hydrology, 2023,620:129541 

21、 Panlei Wang 1 , Dan Zhang 1 , Xiang Tao, Wanli Hu, Bin Fu, Hui Yan, Yanhua Pan, Anqiang Chen, A parsimonious model for predicting the NO3−-N concentration in shallowgroundwater inintensive agricultural areas using few easily accessible indicators and small datasets basedonmachine learning, Journal of Hydrology, 2023,619,129356 

22、 张 丹 , 陈 安 强 , 刘 刚 才 . 紫 色 泥 岩 水 热 条 件 下 崩 解 过程的分维特性. 岩土力学,2012,33(05):1341-1346 

23、 张 丹 , 陈 安 强 , 苏 友 波 等 . 水 热 环 境 对 不 同 紫 色 母 岩 崩解特性的影响. 土壤学报,2013,50(04):643-651. 

24、 张 丹 , 陈 安 强 , 苏 友 波 等 . 云 南 典 型 紫 色 泥 岩 微 观 结构的定量特征. 土壤通报,2014,45(02):320-327. 

25、 陈安强,雷宝坤,刘宏斌,翟丽梅,王洪媛,毛妍婷,张丹*. 洱海近岸菜地不同土壤发生层的 NH+4-N 吸附解吸特征,农业环境科学学报, 2017, 36(2):345-352 

26、 陈安强, 雷宝坤, 刘宏斌, 王洪媛, 翟丽梅, 毛妍婷, 张丹*, 洱海近岸不同种植类型农田沟渠径流氮磷流失特征, 生态与农村环境学报,2017. 3(8): 697-705 

27、 陈安强,雷宝坤,胡万里,毛妍婷,杨艳鲜,付斌,张丹*. 洱海近岸菜地包气带土壤水分特征曲线参数变化及其影响因素[J]. 灌溉排水学报,2018,37(10):48-54. 


1、 张丹,陈安强,郭先华,王蓉,一种原位模拟湖滨带不同水位深度植物生长的试验装置,专利号:ZL 2017 21340568.3,实用新型,授权日:2018.5.8. 

2、 张丹,陈安强,张乃明、苏友波,一种模拟湖滨带水位水质变化的试验装置,专业号:ZL 2016 20567082.2,实用新型,授权公告日:2016.12.28 

3、 张丹、陈安强、刘刚才,一种原位观测紫色母岩成土速率装置,专利号:ZL 201420850404.5,实用新型,授权公告日:2015.4.29 

4、 陈安强,张丹,雷宝坤,郭树芳,毛妍婷,王潘磊,付斌,一种预测浅层地下水中氮浓 度的方法,专利号:ZL 2021 0505096.7,发明专利,授权公告日:2023 年04 月07日

5、 陈安强,张丹,雷宝坤,刘宏斌,王洪媛,毛妍婷,模拟河湖滨带农田水文垂直运移中氮磷迁移的观测装置,专利号:ZL 2015 2 0930875.1,实用新型,授权公告日:2015.11.20

6、 陈安强,张丹,雷宝坤,刘宏斌,王洪媛,毛妍婷,胡万里,鲁耀,付斌,段宗颜,山区半山区河湖近案菜地尾水网络梯级化高效再利用方法,专利号:ZL 2016 1 02028296.5,发明专利,授权公告日:2016,08.07 

7、 陈安强,张丹,雷宝坤,刘宏斌,王洪媛,毛妍婷,胡万里,鲁耀,付斌,段宗颜,山区半山区河湖近案菜地尾水网络梯级化高效再利用设施,专利号:ZL 2016 1 02028296.5,发明专利,授权公告日:2018,09.25


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