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2021年03月05日 14:54  点击:[]


姓名:董 艳

职称:教 授




n 教育和工作简历


2010.10- 2017.10,伟德国际victor1946,伟德国际victor1946土地资源系,副教授

2005.09- 2008.12,伟德国际victor1946,植物病理学,博士


1995.09 -1999.07,伟德国际victor1946, 植物保护学,学士

n 研究方向



n 奖励与荣誉






       2013 云南省科技进步三等奖(排名第3

n 社会兼职与荣誉

u 国家自然科学基金项目评审专家

u 云南省土壤肥料学会理事

u 《生态学报》、《土壤学报》、《植物营养与肥料学报》、《土壤》、《中国生态农业学报》等高水平期刊审稿专家

u Field Crops Research》、《Crop Protection》、《Plant Soil》等英文期刊审稿专家

n 主持科研项目

u 主持:国家自然科学基金项目:间作诱导小麦BXs合成抵御蚕豆枯萎病的机制(2023.1-2026.12),33.0万元

u 主持:国家自然科学基金项目:小麦蚕豆间作调控蚕豆枯萎病抗性的生理与分子机制(2019.1-2022.12),40.0万元

u 主持:国家自然科学基金项目:间作控病对产量优势贡献的定量评估及其响应氮调控的机制(2016.1-2019.12),46.7万元

u 主持:国家自然科学基金项目:小麦与蚕豆间作缓解蚕豆连作障碍的机理(2014.1-2017.12),55.0万元

u 主持:国家自然科学基金项目:间作对根系分泌物的影响及抑制蚕豆枯萎病的机制(31060277, 2011.1-2013.12),27.0万元

u 主持:国家重点研发计划课题三:云贵高原坡耕地和中低产田产能提升综合技术模式与应用,子课题四:坡耕地麦类豆类养分资源综合管理与智能肥料创制(2022.11-2026.10),105.0万元

u 主持:云南省烟草公司重点项目:基于植物干细胞技术克服烤烟连作障碍的研究与应用(2022.1-2024.12),77.0万元

u 主持:云南省自然科学基金项目:间作增产控病的地下微生物学机制(2009.9-2012.12),7.5万元

u 主持:云南三环中化化肥有限公司项目:有机、无机复合调理营养肥的促生增产研究(2017.4.1-2017.12.30,4.2万元

u 主持:云南三环中化化肥有限公司项目:不同磷肥品种肥效试验(2015.5-2015.9),3.5万元

u 主持:云南三环中化美盛化肥有限公司项目:腐殖酸磷肥提高磷肥利用率的效果研究(2014.5-2014.11),6.8万元

u 主持:伟德国际victor1946博士科研启动项目:小麦蚕豆间作对根系分泌物的影响(2009.1-2012.12),5.0万元

u 主持:云南省教育厅科学基金项目:温室和菜地土壤微生物区系和酶活性变化特性(2006.1-2008.12

u 主持:云南省教育厅科学基金项目:土壤NK营养对烤烟病害的影响及抗病机理研究(2003.1-2005.12

n 著作和教材

u ,董坤,杨智仙/编著.《作物养分科学管理控制病虫害的理论与实践》,科学出版社,书号:978-7-03-070066-72021.1145.9万字。

u ,董坤,赵正雄/编著.《作物连作障碍成因及调控技术原理》,科学出版社,书号:978-7-03-066434-12020.1132.3万字。

u , , , /.《间作控病增产的根际生态学原理与应用》, 科学出版社,书号:978-7-03-054588-62018.326.8万字。

u 吴礼树 主编, 参编。普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材《土壤肥料学》,2011.7中国农业出版社第三章 土壤的基本性质3.5万字)。

n 第一(通讯)作者学术论文


u Siyin Yang#, Yiran Zheng#, Yuting Guo, Zixuan CenYan Dong*. Allelopathic effect of phenolic acids in various extracts of wheat against Fusarium wilt in faba bean. Functional Plant Biology,2023,https://doi.org/10.1071/FP23052. IF2022= 3.0

u Chaosheng Luo#, Huiqiong Ding#, Yuanyuan Li, Taiqin Liu, Yan Dong*. Effect of enhanced organic material addition during reductive soil disinfestation on disease resistance, yield increase, and microbial community in flue-cured tobacco. Agronomy,2023,13,2458. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13102458. IF2022= 3.7,中科院二区)

u Bijie Hu#, Yiran Zheng#, Jiaxing Lv, Jing Zhang and Yan Dong*.Proteomic analysis of the faba bean-wheatintercropping system in controlling the occurrence of faba bean fusarium wilt due to stress caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fabae and benzoic acid. BMC Plant Biology,2023,23:472. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04481-8. IF2022= 5.3,中科院二区)

u Chaosheng Luo#, Jingxiu Xiao, Zengpeng Guo, Yan Dong*. The severity and yield effects of the chocolate spot disease in faba bean affected by intercropping and nitrogen input. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2023-09-08. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.12973. IF2022= 4.125,中科院二区TOP

u Wenhao Yang#Yuting GuoYu LiJiaxing LvYan Dong*. Benzoic acid promotes Fusarium wilt incidence by enhancing susceptibility and reducing photosynthesis of faba bean. Annals of Applied Biology, 2023,1–12. DOI: 10.1111/aab.12863IF2022= 2.6,中科院二区

u Ma Guanglei#, Zheng Yiran#, Zhan Jing, Guo Zengpeng, Dong Yan*. Changes in canopy microclimate of faba bean under intercropping at controlled nitrogen levels and their correlation with crop yield. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2023DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.12533IF2022= 4.125,中科院二区TOP

u Cen Zixuan#, Zheng Yiran#, Guo Yuting, Yang Siyin, Dong Yan*. Nitrogen fertilization in faba bean–wheat intercropping system can alleviate the autotoxic effects in faba bean [J]. Plants2023, 12, 1232. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12061232IF2022= 4.658,中科院二区)

u Zhenyu Zhang#, Wenhao Yang#, Yu Li, Qian Zhao, Yan Dong*.Wheat–faba bean intercropping can control Fusarium wilt in faba bean under F. commune and ferulic acid stress as revealed by histopathological analysis. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2023,124:101965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2023.101965. IF2022= 2.741,中科院三区)

u Siyin Yang#, Yiran Zheng#, Yuting Guo, Zhixian Yang, Yan Dong*. Faba bean-wheat intercropping and appropriate nitrogen supply control fusarium wilt in faba bean via altering specific amino acids in the root exudate of faba bean. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2023,124:101961. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2023.101961IF2022= 2.741中科院三区

u Yiran Zheng#, Yuting Guo#, Jiaxing Lv, Kun Dong, Yan Dong*. Faba Bean−Wheat Intercropping Can Control the Occurrence of Faba Bean Fusarium Wilt by Alleviating the Inhibitory Effect of Benzoic Acid on Disease Resistance Metabolism and the Expression of Resistance Genes. ACS Omega,2023, 8, 2897−2906. doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.2c04569.IF2022= 4.132中科院三区

u Yang Wenhao#, Li Yu#, Zhao Qian, Guo Yuting, Dong Yan*. Intercropping alleviated the phytotoxic effects of cinnamic acid on the root cell wall structural resistance of faba bean and reduced the occurrence of Fusarium wilt. Physiologia Plantarum. 2022,174(6):e13827. doi: 10.1111/ppl.13827.IF2022=6.4,中科院二区

u Yiran Zheng#, Yuting Guo#, Yu Li, Wenhao Yang, Yan Dong*. Intercropping of wheat alleviates the adverse effects of phenolic acids on faba bean. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:997768, DOI:10.3389/fpls.2022.997768.IF2022=5.6中科院二区TOP

u Yiran Zheng#Yuting Guo#Jiaxing LvKun DongYan Dong*. Mitigation of vanillic acid-promoted faba bean Fusarium wilt by faba beanwheat intercropping. Plant Pathology. 2022714):830-842DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13524. (IF2022= 2.772,中科院二区)

u Wenhao Yang#, Yuting Guo#, Yu Li#, Yiran Zheng, Kun DongYan Dong*. Cinnamic Acid Toxicity on the Structural Resistance and Photosynthetic Physiology of Faba Bean Promoted the Occurrence of Fusarium Wilt of Faba Bean, Which Was Alleviated Through Wheat and Faba Bean Intercropping. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,13:857780. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.857780IF2022=6.627,中科院二区TOP

u Chaosheng Luo#, Jiaxing Lv, Zengpeng Guo, Yan Dong*. Intercropping of faba bean with wheat under different nitrogen levels reduces faba bean rust and consequent yield loss. Plant Disease, 2022,106(9):2370-2379 https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-21-2451-REIF2022=4.614,中科院二区TOP

u Yu Li#, Chaosheng Luo#, Jiaxing Lv, Ling Chen, Kun Dong, Yan Dong*.Co-culture of faba bean with wheat provides evidence for intercropping faba bean to alleviate the occurrence of Fusarium wilt under the autotoxic stress of salicylic acid. Plant Pathology, 2022, DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13624 (IF2022= 2.772,中科院二区)

u Zengpeng Guo#, Chaosheng Luo#, Yan Dong*, Kun Dong*, Jinhui Zhu, Liankun Ma. Effect of nitrogen regulation on the epidemic characteristics of intercropping faba bean rust disease primarily depends on the canopy microclimate and nitrogen nutrition. Field Crops Research, 2021,274:108339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2021.108339. (IF2021=6.145,中科院一区TOP

u Jiaxing Lv#, Jingxiu Xiao, Zengpeng Guo, Kun Dong*,Yan Dong*. Nitrogen supply and intercropping control of Fusarium wilt in faba bean depend on organic acids exuded from the roots. Scientific Reports, 2021,11:9589. (IF2021=4.379,中科院三区

u Chaosheng Luo#, Zengpeng Guo#, Kun Dong*, Yan Dong*. Effects of applied ratio of nitrogen on the light environment in the canopy and growth, development and yield of wheat when intercropped. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:719850.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.719850IF2021=5.753,中科院二区TOP

u Chaosheng Luo#, Jinhui Zhu, Liankun Ma, Zengpeng Guo, Kun Dong*,Yan Dong*. Effects of nitrogen regulation and strip intercropping on faba bean biomass, nitrogen accumulation and distribution, and interspecific interactions. Crop Science, 2021, 61(6): 4325-4343. 2021, doi:10.1002/csc2.20556IF2021=2.319,中科院三区)

u Chaosheng Luo#, Liankun Ma, Jinhui Zhu, Zengpeng Guo, Kun Dong*,Yan Dong*. Effects of nitrogen and intercropping on the occurrence of wheat powdery mildew and stripe rust and the relationship with crop yield. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 637393.doi: 10.3389/fpls. 2021, 12: 637393.IF2021=5.753,中科院二区TOP

u Yuting Guo#, Jiaxing Lv#, Yan Dong*Kun Dong*. Exploration of the potential mechanism of faba bean-wheat intercropping to control faba bean Fusarium Wilt Due to allelopathic plant extracts. ACS Omega, 2021, 6(24): 15590-15600. 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c06120IF2021= 3.512,中科院三区

u Yuting Guo#, Jiaxin Lv#, Qian Zhao,Yan Dong*,Kun Dong*. Cinnamic acid Increased the incidence of Fusarium wilt by increasing the pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and reducing the physiological and biochemical resistance of faba bean, which was alleviated by intercropping with wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 608389. 2020. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.608389.IF2019=4.402,中科院二区TOP

u Yu Li#, Jiaxing Lv#, Qian Zhao, Ling Chen, Yan Dong*, Kun Dong*.Wheat/faba bean intercropping improves physiological and structural resistance of faba bean to fusaric acid stress. Plant Pathology, 2020, 70(4): 827-840. 2020DOI: 10.1111/ppa.13331.IF2019=2.169,中科院二区)

u Jiaxing Lv#, Yan Dong*, Kun Dong*, Qian Zhao, Zhixian Yang, Ling Chen. Intercropping with wheat suppressed Fusarium wilt in faba bean and modulated the composition of root exudates. Plant and Soil, 2020,448, 153-164. 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s11104-019-04413-2.IF2019=3.299,中科院二区TOP

u Zengpeng Guo#, Yan Dong*, Kun Dong*, Jinhui Zhu, Liankun Ma. Effects of nitrogen management and intercropping on faba bean chocolate spot disease development. Crop Protection,2020,127,104982.IF2019=2.381,中科院二区)

u Chaochun Zhang* ,Yan Dong#, Li Tang ,Yi Zheng ,David Makowski ,Yang Yu,Fusuo Zhang,Wopke van der Werf. Intercropping cereals with faba bean reduces plant disease incidence regardless of fertilizer input; a meta-analysis. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019,154,931-942. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-019-01711-4.IF2018= 1.744,中科院三区)

u Zhao Qian#, Chen LingDong KunDong Yan*Xiao Jingxiu. Cinnamic Acid Inhibited Growth of Faba Bean and Promoted the Incidence of Fusarium Wilt. Plants, 2018, 7, 84.doi: 10.3390 /plants 7040084.IF2018=2.632,中科院三区)

n 第一(通讯)中文论文#第一作者,*通讯作者)

u 袁婷婷#,赵骞,董艳*. 阿魏酸胁迫下间作对蚕豆枯萎病发生和根系组织结构的影响[J].土壤学报2021,58(4)1060-1071.

u 袁婷婷#, 董艳*, 赵骞. 苯甲酸对蚕豆枯萎病菌致病力及根系组织结构抗性的影响[J]. 植物生理学报2020, 56 (3): 441-454.

u 袁婷婷#,董坤,郭增鹏,董艳*.阿魏酸诱导蚕豆枯萎病发生及根系组织结构损伤的化感效应[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报2020, 26(5): 914- 923.

u 朱锦惠#, 郭增鹏#, 董坤, 董艳*.间作系统氮调控对小麦氮钾营养及条锈病发生的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2020, 28(2): 236-244.

u 董艳#,赵骞#,吕家兴,董坤*.间作小麦和接种AM真菌协同提高蚕豆抗枯萎病能力和根际微生物碳代谢活性. 植物营养与肥料学报2019,25(10): 1646-1656.

u 马连坤#,董坤,朱锦惠,董艳*.小麦蚕豆间作及氮肥调控对蚕豆赤斑病和锈病复合危害及产量损失的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报2019, 25(8):1383-1392.

u 郭增鹏#,董坤,朱锦惠,董艳*. 施氮和间作对蚕豆锈病发生及田间微气候的影响. 核农学报201933(11) : 2294-2302.

u 陈玲#,赵骞,董坤,杨智仙,董艳*.苯甲酸和肉桂酸促进蚕豆枯萎病发生的生理生化机制. 植物保护学报201946(2)298-304.

u 马连坤#, 董坤, 朱锦惠,董艳*. 小麦与蚕豆间作系统施氮对蚕豆赤斑病发生和冠层微气候的影响. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(3):951- 960.

u 陈 玲#, 董坤, 杨智仙, 董艳*, 汤利, 郑毅.苯甲酸胁迫下间作对蚕豆自毒效应的缓解机制.中国生态农业学报, 2017, 25(1): 95-103.

u 刘一鸣#, 杨智仙,董艳*. 对羟基苯甲酸胁迫下间作对蚕豆枯萎病发生和根系抗氧化酶活性的影响. 核农学报, 2017, 31(5) : 0987-0995.

u 朱锦惠#,董坤,杨智仙,董艳*. 间套作控制作物病害的机理研究进展. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(4) :1117-1126.

u 董艳#, 董坤, 杨智仙, 朱锦惠, 汤利, 郑毅. 肉桂酸对蚕豆枯萎病发生的影响及间作缓解机制. 土壤学报2017,54(2):503-515.

u 朱锦惠#, 董艳*, 肖靖秀, 郑毅, 汤利.小麦与蚕豆间作系统氮肥调控对小麦白粉病发生及氮素累积分配的影响.应用生态学报201728(12):3985-3993.

u 侯 慧#,董 坤,杨智仙,董艳*,汤 利,郑 毅. 连作障碍发生机理研究进展. 土壤, 2016, 48(6): 1068-1076.

u 董艳#,董坤,杨智仙,汤利,郑毅*.肉桂酸加剧蚕豆枯萎病发生的根际微生物效应. 园艺学报201643 (8)1525-1536.

u 董艳#,董坤,杨智仙,郑毅,汤利*.间作减轻蚕豆枯萎病的微生物和生理机制. 应用生态学报2016276):1984-1992.

u 董艳#,董 坤,杨智仙,汤 利,郑 毅*. AM真菌控制蚕豆枯萎病发生的根际微生物效应. 应用生态学报2016, 27( 12) : 4029-4038.

u 胡国彬#, 董坤, 董艳*, 郑毅, 汤利, 李欣然, 刘一鸣. 间作缓解蚕豆连作障碍的根际微生态效应.生态学报2016,36(4):1010-1020.

u 胡国彬#,董坤,董艳*,汤利,郑毅,李欣然.小麦与蚕豆间作对根际真菌代谢功能多样性的影响. 土壤学报2015,52 (4): 226-233.

u 董艳#董坤汤利郑毅李欣然胡国彬刘一鸣. 蚕豆根系分泌物中氨基酸含量与枯萎病的关系.土壤学报2015, 52(4): 219-225.

u 董艳#,董坤,郑毅,汤利,杨智仙. 不同品种小麦与蚕豆间作对蚕豆枯萎病的防治及其机理. 应用生态学报2014, 25(7): 1979-1987.

u 董艳#, 董 坤, 郑 毅, 杨智仙, 汤 利,肖靖秀. 不同抗性蚕豆品种根系分泌物对枯萎病菌的化感作用及根系分泌物组分分析. 中国生态农业学报, 2014, 22(3): 292-299.

u 杨智仙#,汤利,郑毅,董坤,董艳*.不同品种小麦与蚕豆间作对蚕豆枯萎病发生、根系分泌物和根际微生物群落功能多样性的影响.植物营养与肥料学报2014, 20(3) : 570-579.

u 董艳#, 董坤, 汤利, 郑毅, 杨智仙, 肖靖秀, 赵平, 胡国彬.小麦蚕豆间作对蚕豆根际微生物群落功能多样性的影响及其与蚕豆枯萎病发生的关系.生态学报, 2013, 33(23):7445-7454.

u 董艳#,杨智仙,董坤,汤利,郑毅,胡国彬. 施氮水平对蚕豆枯萎病和根际微生物代谢功能多样性的影响. 应用生态学报2013,24(4): 1101-1108.

u 董艳#,董坤. 间套混种控病增产机制研究进展.土壤通报,2012,43(1):236-242.

u 董艳#, 汤 利, 郑 毅, 魏兰芳. 施氮对间作蚕豆根际微生物区系和枯萎病发生的影响.生态学报, 2010, 30(7):1797-1805.

u 董艳#, 鲁 耀, 董 坤, 汤 利. 轮作模式对设施土壤微生物区系和酶活性的影响.土壤通报, 2010, 41(1):53-55.

u 董艳#, 董 坤, 郑 毅, 田芝花, 鲁 耀, 汤 利. 种植年限和种植模式对设施土壤微生物区系和酶活性的影响.农业环境科学学报, 2009, 28(3):527-532.

u 董艳#, , , 朱有勇,张福锁. 小麦蚕豆间作条件下氮素营养水平对根际微生物区系的影响.应用生态学报, 2008, 19(7): 1559-1566.

n 专利

u 董艳,董坤,肖靖秀。一种水培装置。专利号ZL 2018 2 0675176.0, 申请日:2018.5.8,授权公告日:2018.11.30

u 董艳,朱锦惠,董坤,张仕颖。一种控制蚕豆气传病害的孢子捕捉装置。专利号ZL 2018 2 0886772.3, 申请日:2018.6.6,授权公告日:2019.2.5

u 董艳,董坤,田芝花,郭增鹏。一种用于蚕豆间作播种机。专利号ZL 2018 2 1144273.3, 申请日:2018.7.19,授权公告日:2019.1.25

u 董艳,董坤,田芝花,朱锦惠。一种蚕豆间作双行免耕种装置。专利号ZL 2018 2 1123067.4, 申请日:2018.7.16,授权公告日:2019.2.5

u 董艳,朱锦惠,马连坤,赵骞。一种利用蚯蚓缓解辣椒连作障碍的实验装置。专利号ZL2017 2 0842026.X, 申请日:2017.7.12,授权公告日:2018.1.23

u 董艳,赵平,朱锦惠。一种防止土传病害传播的拱棚。专利号ZL2017 2 0853135.1, 申请日:2017.7.14,授权公告日:2018.1.23

u 董艳,赵平,杨智仙。一种具有防控土传病害的生物有机肥生产装置。专利号ZL2017 2 0853143.6, 申请日:2017.7.14,授权公告日:2018.1.23

u 董艳,马连坤,赵骞。一种大棚连作障碍解除装置。专利号ZL2017 2 0842027.4, 申请日:2017.7.12,授权公告日:2018.1.12.

u 董艳,杨智仙,马连坤,赵骞。一种可消除作物连作障碍的微型栽培设施。专利号ZL2017 2 0824163.0, 申请日:2017.7.10,授权公告日:2018.1.12

u 董艳,杨智仙,马连坤。一种防治土传病害的植物培养装置。专利号ZL2017 2 0848389.4, 申请日:2017.7.13,授权公告日:2018.1.23

u 董艳,董坤,郑毅,汤利,胡国彬,肖靖秀,赵平,杨智仙.一种施用菌根真菌控制蚕豆枯萎病的方法. 专利号ZL201210595874.7, 发文日期2015.2.26.


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