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中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(Grant No. CUSF-DH-D-2019080), 富铁基质强化人工湿地脱氮的机理研究,已结题,主持。



[1]. Zhihao Si, Yuhui Wang*, Xinshan Song, Xin Cao, Xian Zhang, Wolfgang Sand (2019). Mechanism and performance of trace metal removal by continuous-flow constructed wetlands coupled with a micro-electric field. Water Research, 164, 114937. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF: 9.130)

[2]. Zhihao Si, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Xin Cao, Yifei Wang, Yufeng Zhao, Xiaoyan Ge, Wolfgang Sand (2020). Untangling the nitrate removal pathways for a constructed wetland- sponge iron coupled system and the impacts of sponge iron on a wetland ecosystem. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 393, 122407. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF: 10.588)

[3]. Zhihao Si, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Xin Cao, Yifei Wang, Yufeng Zhao, Xiaoyan Ge (2021). Natural pyrite improves nitrate removal in constructed wetlands and makes wetland a sink for phosphorus in cold climates. Journal of Cleaner Production, 280, 124304. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF: 9.297)

[4]. Zhihao Si, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Xin Cao, Yufeng Zhao, Bodi Wang, Yan Chen, Awet Arefe (2018). Intensified heterotrophic denitrification in constructed wetlands using four solid carbon sources: Denitrification efficiency and bacterial community structure. Bioresource Technology, 267, 416-425. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF:6.669)

[5]. Zhihao Si, Xinshan Song*, Xin Cao*, Yuhui Wang, Yifei Wang, Yufeng Zhao, Xiaoyan Ge, Awet Arefe Tesfahunegn (2020). Nitrate removal to its fate in wetland mesocosm filled with sponge iron: impact of influent COD/N ratio. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 14(1): 4 (SCI, 中科院JCR 2, IF: 4.357)

[6]. Zhihao Si, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Xin Cao, Yufeng Zhao, Xiaoyan Ge, Yifei Wang (2020). Assessment and optimization of formaldehyde removal using tidal flow constructed wetlands. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 30(1): 987-992 (SCI, 中科院JCR 4, IF: 1.669)

[7]. Awet Arefe, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Zhihao Si, Befkadu Abayneh (2020). Preparation of modified Chinese medical stone and its performance on the removal of low-concentration ammonium from water [J]. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 46(4) 2035-2054. (SCI, 中科院JCR 4, IF:2.064)

[8]. Xiaoyan Ge, Xin Cao, Xinshan Song*, Yuhui Wang, Zhihao Si, Wenting Wang, Awet Arefe Tesfahunegn (2019). Bioenergy generation and simultaneous nitrate and phosphorus removal in a pyrite-based constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell [J]. Bioresource Technology, 296, 122350. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF:6.669)

[9]. Yong Min, Wenjia Cao, Yun Xiong, Zhihao Si, Dawood Khan, Limei Chen* (2019). Formaldehyde assimilation through coordination of the glyoxylate pathway and the tricarboxylic acid cycle in broad bean roots[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry , 138:65-79. (SCI, 中科院JCR 3, IF:3.404)

[10]. Yufeng Zhao, Xinshan Song, Xin Cao*, Yuhui Wang, Zhihao Si, Yan Chen (2019). Toxic effect and bioaccumulation of selenium in green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa [J]. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(3): 1733-1742. (SCI, 中科院JCR 3, IF:2.635)

[11]. Yufeng Zhao, Xinshan Song*, Xin Cao, Yuhui Wang, Zhimiao Zhao, Zhihao Si, Shihong Yuan (2019). Modified solid carbon sources with nitrate adsorption capability combined with nZVI improve the denitrification performance of constructed wetlands [J]. Bioresource Technology, 294, 122189. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF:6.669)

[12]. Yufeng Zhao, Xin Cao, Xinshan Song*, Zhimiao Zhao, Yuhui Wang, Zhihao Si, Fanda Lin, Yan Chen, Yinjiang Zhang (2018). Montmorillonite supported nanoscale zero-valent iron immobilized in sodium alginate (SA/Mt-NZVI) enhanced the nitrogen removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs) [J]. Bioresource Technology, 267, 608-617. (SCI, 中科院JCR 1, IF:6.669)

[13]. Yufeng Zhao, Zhimiao Zhao, Xinshan Song, Xingyi Jiang, Yuhui Wang, Xin Cao, Zhihao Si, Fanfeng Pan* (2019). Effects of nZVI dosing on the improvement in the contaminant removal performance of constructed wetlands under the dye stress [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 703, 134789. (SCI, 中科院JCR 2, IF:5.589)

[14]. Xinshan Song, Yufeng Zhao, Yuhui Wang, Zhihao Si, Xiaoyan Ge, Zhijie Gong, Juan Zhou, Xin Cao* (2020). Micro-aeration with hollow fiber membrane enhanced the nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 25877-25885. (SCI, 中科院JCR 3, IF:3.056)

[15]. Xinshan Song, Wenting Wang, Xin Cao*, Yuhui Wang, Lixiong Zou, Xiaoyan Ge, Yufeng Zhao, Zhihao Si, Yifei Wang (2020). Chlorella vulgaris on the cathode promoted the performance of sediment microbial fuel cells for electrogenesis and pollutant removal [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 728, 138011. (SCI, 中科院JCR 2, IF:5.589)

[16]. Xinshan Song, Wenting Wang, Xin Cao*, Yuhui Wang, Lixiong Zou, Xiaoyan Ge, Yufeng Zhao, Zhihao Si, Yifei Wang (2020). Chlorella vulgaris on the cathode promoted the performance of sediment microbial fuel cells for electrogenesis and pollutant removal [J]. Science of The Total Environment, 728, 138011. (SCI, 中科院JCR 2, IF:5.589)

[17]曹新, 苏可欣, 宋新山, 王广州, 司志浩, 王宇晖, 赵晓祥(2022).不同填料负载微生物去除地表水氨氮的研究[J]. 环境科学学报, 42(1)213-221. (中文核心)

[18]. 徐欢欢, 宋新山, 司志浩, 王宇晖(2019). 核桃壳生物炭小球对雌激素污染物的吸附机制. 环境工程学报. 13(4) : 835-842. (中文核心)

[19]. 王广州, 宋新山, 曹新*, 王宇晖, 司志浩, 蒋梦然, 陆松柳(2020). 载体生物膜法对黑臭水体中氨氮的去除. 东华大学学报, 46(1): 134-140. (中文核心)


[1]. 王宇晖; 司志浩; 宋新山; 杨波; 陈燕; 秦艳; 廖卫红. 一种碳源自补给产沼气型高效脱氮水平潜流人工湿地(国家发明专利),专利号:ZL 2018 1 0705355.9

[2]. 宋新山; 司志浩; 谷琪; 赵雨枫; 王宇晖; 曹新; 王闻婷; 蒋兴一; 赵晓祥, 一种低内阻的微生物燃料电池型复合人工湿地(国家发明专利),专利号:ZL 2018 1 0994091.3

[3]. 宋新山; 司志浩; 谷琪; 蒋兴一; 王闻婷; 王逸飞; 赵雨枫; 王宇晖; 曹新; 赵晓祥, 一种基于电子穿梭体和内部铁循环强化的深度反硝化滤池(国家发明专利), 专利号:ZL 2018 1 1267343.9

[4]. 陈丽梅;冯永;司志浩,烟草14‑3‑3c基因的植物表达载体及其应用(国家发明专利),授权号:CN107805641B

[5]. 徐勇; 宋新山; 张志兰; 司志浩; 王苏艳; 王宇晖; 王逸飞; 蒋兴一; 赵雨枫 曹新,基于生物电强化的水体修复装置(实用新型专利),授权号:CN210915486U





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